Carbon Markets

the World through Degas Platform

Degas’ Carbon Market Division has been established as a global carbon project development firm that leverages in-house AI technologies and blended finance to accelerate the sustainable transition of businesses and communities on the front lines of climate change.

By making carbon finance more accessible and inclusive through our digital measurement, reporting, and verification (D-MRV) products, and a suite of financial technologies, we support other players in developing carbon projects from their operations and accessing climate finance. We provide the following products and services:

- End-to-end project development, including project finance structuration, brokerage, and compliance
- Natural capital asset and investment management
- D-MRV product capabilities

AI-based project design and Project Design Document (PDD) generation
Digitized carbon measurement and project accounting
Project certification and due diligence
Project implementation and monitoring plans
Stakeholder engagement strategy, including public sector consultation
Digitized social safeguard products and smart contracts
Benefit sharing product and digital payments system
Project risk assessment

For investors, we aim to develop a large pipeline of ‘investment ready’ projects that accelerate climate finance to where it’s most needed. Through blended and layered finance, we connect capital to the right phase of a project based on the risk appetite and strategic needs of the investor. We establish a new benchmark for nature-based climate investments in emerging economies, where climate change has disproportionately high adverse effects.

Flagship Project:

Yen Asaase

(meaning ‘Our Earth’ in Twi)

Degas’ flagship carbon project generates high-integrity carbon credits from regenerative agricultural practices implemented with partner farmers. Our project business model catalyzes new finance for an improved agricultural land management project  in rural areas of Northern Ghana by leveraging the current and projected operational footprint of our Farmer Financing business.By digitizing and simplifying participation in Yen Asaase, we support the large-scale transition to regenerative agriculture in Northern Ghana, while also validating a benefit-sharing framework that can become a blueprint for the expansion of similar projects on a global scale.

Japan Alliance for High Quality Carbon Credits

Degas manages JAHQCC, a corporate alliance dedicated to promoting high-quality carbon credits and facilitating financial flows to the Global South, thereby addressing climate change and other social issues. To achieve this goal, JAHQCC provides its member companies with the latest carbon finance information, networking opportunities, consultancy by carbon market experts, and priority access to carbon finance projects. It also conducts advocacy activities to promote the widespread adoption of high-quality carbon credits.